03 November 2010
a rare OFA intervention
Since Hélène got blasted on OFA for criticizing the Obama obsession with bipartisanship, which is largely responsible for getting us where we're at, I made a rare incursion into OFA-world, where the true believers mill and mull. Here it is:
20 October 2010
DADT insanity
So now, eight days after a courageous judge declared "don't ask don't tell" unconstitutional, another court has reinstated the Pentagon's ability to prevent people from serving in the military based on who they want to have sex with. Meanwhile, neither the Democrat majority in the Congress nor the President of the U.S. has the courage (note the ironic metaphors for that quality) to legislate this obscurantist law out of existence. "Que le monde aille à sa perte," Duras once anarchistically said.
07 October 2010
I just discussed Bataille's The Accursed Share a couple of days ago with one of my doctoral students and the metaphor of expendable waste of which the powers that be are almost ashamed – so little does the mass in question contribute to lavishing material profit on the altar of Capital – now comes to mind when thinking of the way language and literature programs at SUNY Albany are being treated. But my colleagues might take heed.
29 August 2010
New Orleans
I'll entitle it this way, instead of "Katrina," though it's the hurricane, the slow response, the racism, etc. that are on my mind. I haven't yet heard Obama's speech on this, the 5th anniversary of landfall in southern Louisiana, but although a good bit of rebuilding has indeed taken place there, there's hardly enough been done for the poor. And we all know or should know why that is: racism and neglect for the working poor of all races is still pretty much the order of the day. We still could have an event occur in the wake of which people would say "I don't recognize my country! Is this really the U.S.? Why are people being forsaken?" Instead, we hear "tea baggers" who want their country back, by which they of course mean that they do not and will not accept a mixed race president.
28 August 2010
chill, baby chill
That's what Bob Herbert suggests to Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and the rest of the bigoted demagogues who stir the desperate uneducated masses in the last line of his editorial today, the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial. Right next to it is a wonderfully concise statement by Charles M. Blow whose best passage, in my view, is the parenthesis about the irony:
"ground zero" … Lincoln Memorial = sacred grounds
"ground zero" "mosque" = desecration, strident outcry
Beck's "Restoring Honor" speech = perfectly acceptable
23 August 2010
tit for tat
If Muslims can't build a community center near "ground zero" (a designation that begs analysis if there ever was one), then Christians have no right to build a church or pray or congregate or ... within 50 feet of any United-Statesians with African slave ancestry. Why? Because if non-Muslims are associating all Muslims with the fanatic group from al-Qaeda that committed the crime of 9/11 then, logically, the sensitivities of Blacks and all who stand in solidarity with them should associate all of Christianity with the Ku Klux Klan and condemn it outright as well. CQFD. Or did I miss something?
21 August 2010
Mosque fever
What's eating me today? The profound, rampant ignorance of people in this country. It's beyond hope. Ripe for fascism. The formula is there: economic stagnation, endemic bigotry, total lack of critical abilities.
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If I were to give one example of what these two years have produced, it's the muddle over DADT. No one in the executive or the legislature has the guts to do what a handful in the judiciary have done - with inconclusive results.
Onwards, democrats! Squander on!