20 October 2010

DADT insanity

So now, eight days after a courageous judge declared "don't ask don't tell" unconstitutional, another court has reinstated the Pentagon's ability to prevent people from serving in the military based on who they want to have sex with. Meanwhile, neither the Democrat majority in the Congress nor the President of the U.S. has the courage (note the ironic metaphors for that quality) to legislate this obscurantist law out of existence. "Que le monde aille à sa perte," Duras once anarchistically said.

07 October 2010


I just discussed Bataille's The Accursed Share a couple of days ago with one of my doctoral students and the metaphor of expendable waste of which the powers that be are almost ashamed – so little does the mass in question contribute to lavishing material profit on the altar of Capital – now comes to mind when thinking of the way language and literature programs at SUNY Albany are being treated. But my colleagues might take heed.