03 November 2010

a rare OFA intervention

Since Hélène got blasted on OFA for criticizing the Obama obsession with bipartisanship, which is largely responsible for getting us where we're at, I made a rare incursion into OFA-world, where the true believers mill and mull. Here it is:

This "segment" happens to have been one of Obama's staunchest, most ardent support groups. He and the all-too-many wishy-washy democrats have let negationist republicans and "blue-dog" democrats run the show. Now they have reaped the harvest of their obsession with compromise at all cost. (Yes, of course compromise is part of the formula: you don't have to give progressives lessons in democracy.) But a great president like F.D. Roosevelt knew the limitations of compromise in dire circumstances and had not only the wisdom (which Obama shares with him) and the guts to stand up for what is right when negationism was getting the better of the country. Party discipline, people. But now, the democrats will be "adjusting". That means the people will have choices in a spectrum ranging from Tea Baggers to the center-right, where the democrats who are left are situated.

If I were to give one example of what these two years have produced, it's the muddle over DADT. No one in the executive or the legislature has the guts to do what a handful in the judiciary have done - with inconclusive results.

Onwards, democrats! Squander on!